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Employment Q & A for International Students

Q1. In which field can COM Group help me find a job or make my debut?

There are more than 1,000 types of jobs that you can aim for!
Students can pursue various fields of study from a total of 36 vocational schools located in major cities throughout Japan. In addition, in the medical, cosmetology, and veterinary nursing fields, students can obtain national certifications and aim for employment.
As of April 2024

Q2. What types of status of residence can I apply for when working?

There are seven main types of residency status.
There are several types of status of residence, such as “Technical/Humanities/International Services,” “Art,” “Specially Designated Skills,” “Specially Designated Cosmetic Activities,” “Medical,” “Business Administration,” and “Specially Designated Activities (Notification No. 46),” depending on the type of work and type of employment.

Q3. Can international students receive the same support for employment and debut as Japanese students?

We provide personalized support for each individual.
With our strong industry connections and nationwide network of sister schools, more than 90% of our international students have successfully found jobs with the support of the career centers at their respective schools.

Q4. I would like to know about specific support in my job search.

Full support from admission to job offer!
At “joint/independent company information sessions and online company information sessions” held at each school and “work correction sessions and online correction sessions” with the full cooperation of famous editorial departments, you can appeal directly to companies, leading to job offers at the companies of your choice.

Q5. Is it difficult to obtain national certification?

Japanese language skills are important for all qualifications!
A high level of Japanese language proficiency is required for international students to obtain national certification, although this varies greatly depending on the type of certification, the requirements for obtaining it, the difficulty level of the examination, and the experience and ability of the individual candidate.

Q6. Can I get a job outside of my field of expertise?

It is possible if the conditions are met.
Departments accredited under the “International Student Career Advancement Program” have the flexibility to determine employment in a wide range of occupations. They may also be employed with a college degree in their home country.

Q7. Does the country of origin of an international student affect his/her employment?

The country of origin does not affect employment.
For employment in Japanese companies, language, technical, and communication skills are mainly required. If you work for a global company, your cross-cultural experience and multilingual skills will be positively evaluated.

Q8. Is the starting salary for foreign students who find employment the same as that of Japanese students?

The same level is common.
Although many companies that emphasize diversity and internationality hire international students, starting salaries for international and Japanese students are generally the same if they have similar job responsibilities within the same company.

Q9. Can I aim for a job in a global company?

They are actively employed!
An international background, multilingual skills, and cross-cultural experience are valuable assets to companies. It is important for international students to understand their strengths and have an international perspective in order to develop their careers.

Q10. Can an international student start a business in Japan?

Resident status is required.
Whether starting a business immediately after graduating from school or starting a business after gaining experience working for a Japanese company for a certain period of time, it is necessary to obtain a “business administration” status of residence.
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